Why a low-carb lifestyle must be an option for Type 1 diabetics: "It's revolutionised my life"
Prepare to be amazed and intrigued in turn if you have Type 1 diabetes or know someone who does.
Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease we’re learning can be managed into remission by going low-carb – hat tip to Virta Health, UK Dr David Unwin and other primary care doctors across the world.
Type 1 is for life. It always involves dosing insulin.
But Dr Ian Lake, who has Type 1, says switching to a very low-carb [ketogenic] regime has helped him better manage his diabetes.
He stresses that it’s not for everyone, but wants it added to the standard care options offered by all physicians.
Consider, he says, that 95% of Type 1s fail to reach targets for good blood sugar control. But on low-carb, 97% do.
You may have heard of the remarkable Zero Five 100 challenge he organised in September, 2020. He, another Type 1 diabetic, and six others without diabetes, safely finished a fasted, five-day run-walk from Henley-on-Thames to Bristol – 100 miles on zero calories. There were no injuries and no problems with blood sugar control.
Dr Lake has summed up his initial findings in a medical paper but, a year on, has his proof-of-concept research convinced others to rethink their Type 1 treatment protocols? We find out.
<< Please view the information in this episode as only that; it should not be construed as medical advice. Go to your GP or family doctor for that. >>
- Dr Ian’s website Type1Keto.com
- His paper on the Zero Five 100 project in the journal Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity: Nutritional ketosis is well-tolerated, even in type 1 diabetes: the ZeroFive100 Project; a proof-of-concept study
- Essential watch: Ian’s presentation to the Public Health Collaboration 2021 conference
- Trailer for Zero Five 100 documentary in the making
- His tweet about Gina, a T1D who fared badly when following guidelines but reduced her insulin sixfold on keto
- Gina’s experience in detail
- Dr Ian’s blogs on Diabetes Management
- Dr Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution
- Ian on Twitter
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- Hosted + produced by Susan Flory
- Music: “Beautiful Day” by Sahin Koc
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