How to reimagine your life after 50 then get on with living it

Regular listeners to my podcast know I’ve got a well-developed aversion to preachy, paternalistic books about how to figure out what next in The Big Middle years, mid-40s through 70s.

A period of self-reflection and stock-taking is necessary if you find yourself in an existential twist, as so many of us do.

But isn’t there a point when you have to get on with things, plan your next move and actually make it?

My guests, Judy and Adrian Reith, have decades of experience as, respectively, parenting and executive coaches. Now, they’re sharing their expertise with The Big Middle cohort. They’ve written a terrific book to help us fine-tune our priorities and options and get to the action stage of our midlife transitions. It’s called Act 3: The Art of Growing Older. I hope you enjoy discovering it as much as I did. It may be just what you need to shift your attitude and take yourself in a new direction.



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