Tag: Ageing
Designed for Ageing winners
It’s playtime on The Big Middle. I’m celebrating the oft-forgotten fun side of living as older by staying switched-on and active. This is a very particular celebration; we’re meeting five […]
Catherine Foot
Health is wealth and expect the unexpected – surely the two most apt truisms of these crazy days on so many fronts. Both ring truer than usual for guest Catherine […]
Poet Donna Ashworth
It’s as if she’s got a hotline to your head. She gets inside your mind, rummages round all those piles of messy-feely thoughts, even the ones in the darkest corners, […]
Jeremy King [REPLAY+]
The pandemic has hammered the job prospects of older workers. We got a measure of how hard in the latest from the UK’s official recordkeeper, the Office for National Statistics. Vacancies […]
Bradley Schurman
We in The Big Middle years could easily drown in the ocean of information and advice sloshing around about how we should be – how we should reflect, recalibrate, repackage […]
Demographic inflection point? The Big Middle’s core theme explored anew
Still croaky from apparently not COVID but a beast of a cold/flu combo I picked up in France; where better huh? We’re all in virus-avoidance mode, still, so I can […]
Dr Jay Wrigley
I’ve got just the right learned guest for you to spill all the tea on the interaction between hormones and food and feeling your healthy best when all is in […]
Tim Spector
The central thread I’ve been pulling through a raft of episodes with superstar scientists and doctors is there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to what to eat to […]
Drs Jen + David Unwin
This one’s a blend of three core strands of The Big Middle: living healthier for longer, the disconnect between chronological and biological age, and the midlife transition. In this case, […]
What it means, how it feels to grow old (REPLAY)
Another summer holiday replay for you this week. This one’s a gem, a favourite. It’ll get you thinking about the road ahead if you’ve not quite managed to shift your […]
Jonathan Rauch (REPLAY)
“The midlife slump is very often, literally, about nothing.” That’s one of the many observations of Jonathan Rauch from our conversation about his book The Happiness Curve in December of […]
Georgie Lee + Colum Lowe
We know the global population is rapidly ageing. We know longevity scientists are busy developing restorative treatments as they redefine ageing as a disease. It’s that medical model of steady […]
Yuru Guo + Frankie Docker
You’re going to adore these two delightful […]Nutritionist Sally Norton
Can you harm yourself by eating too much spinach? […]Sally Norton on toxic oxalates in ‘superfoods’
Dr Fayne Frey: The Skincare Hoax
How to keep your skin at its healthy best on this […]My Skin Cancer latest
A skin cancer update for you now if you’re a regular […]